Tarot Day: Work, Vocation and Money Issues

Live in London only, 21 September 2024, 11am–4.30pm

Questions around work, money and career-related issues are some of the most common in a Tarot reading. Join psychological tarot card reader Mario Trevino and together we’ll use spreads designed for work and money questions, learn how to interpret client queries and obtain more information from the cards, practise together with your own questions, and look at examples from Mario’s files. Live at Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT.


Mario Trevino

Tarot Tutor

Mario Trevino began studying tarot and astrology 25 years ago in his native Mexico and has been practising as a consultant for the past 20 years, using tarot as an insightful tool to encourage self-determination. He also works as a psychologist, trainer and teacher. https://transpersonal.simplybook.it/v2/