Student Feedback

“Thank you for an absolutely wonderful weekend. I have loved and been lifted by every moment. My mind has exploded and I am very grateful for it. Wow! ”

BB, Somerset

“Thanks to both of you for such a well-structured and well-presented course. You've given us techniques and confidence to move forward as horary astrologers! It has been a fantastic weekend, really good!”

JP, Portland

“You and Richard make a great duo! The horary weekend conjures a picture of someone holding onto a hot air balloon. Sometimes you are both flying high and other times one is grounding the other which gives me time to breathe and grasp the concept before we take off again. It's fun to go flying with you both.”

HC, Australia

The Art of Horary Astrology

Live on Zoom, 24–25 February 2024, 2–6pm UK time; sign up now to receive access to the 2023 course, too

Horary is the fascinating skill of using a horoscope to answer important, specific questions. This special two-day masterclass serves as a thorough grounding to the approach, methods and techniques that you’ll need to work successfully with horary. Richard and Frank will guide you through a range of simple horary procedures, introduce 'divinatory awareness' and questions to help you build your knowledge and confidence from the very start. Includes a certificate of attendance and two bonus videos. £125.

More Information

Frank and Richard will help you focus on:

    • the fundamental steps to answering questions

    • understanding the deeper motivation behind the question

    • how to start turning the wheel (using derivative houses)

    • answering questions with confidence from the first class

You'll also learn about radicality, cautions and considerations before judgement, perfection, how to locate the right significator, and timing. Along the way, you’ll learn from many examples and be taught step-by-step how to answer questions. (Students attending live are encouraged to submit their own horaries during the course, some of which Richard and Frank will guide everyone through.)


Richard Swatton

Senior Tutor

Richard Swatton is a highly experienced astrologer and psychotherapist based in Bristol, UK, who began studying traditional, horary and occult approaches to astrology in 1976. His book, 'The Horary Process', is due to be published in 2024.

Frank Clifford

Senior Tutor

Frank Clifford (Principal of the LSA since 2004) is an award-winning writer and astrologer who has written a dozen books on astrology and palmistry, guest edited 'The Mountain Astrologer', and since 2001 has given over 3000 lectures and seminars in over a dozen countries.